Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Little Inspiration

The kitchen has been the focus of my decorating energies as of late. A change in paint color inspired new curtains, which then inspired a new rug. My new level of contentment with the kitchen however was brought to an all time high this week with the addition of a console table.

About a month ago I decided that I wanted to add a console table to the kitchen. I began my search for the perfect table and found it on Pottery Barn's website.

I think what drew me to the table is the warmth that it exudes.  My decorating style has been evolving as of late, and creating a warm inviting space is definitely high on my priority list.  So, I love the table, I have my mind set on it and... it's $499.00.  Ugh, ok, that's never going to happen. But I really like this table, so I'm not going to give up that easily.

I decided to go ahead show the table to Chris.  If he hates it, it's kind of a moot point, but if he likes it...well, maybe.  Show I showed it to him and he said "I can make that!"!  Have I mentioned I love this guy?!

So after a little calculating and designing, the project begins.

Bless his heart, he made the initial cuts outside so that he wouldn't wake Evan up.
Have I mentioned he loves me?
Here it is taking shape.

The man in action.

Signed for me...


Isn't it amazing!!! He did a simply fabulous job. Go back and compare it to the original...perfection! (Obviously I'm still finishing the decorating, I just couldn't wait any longer to brag on him.)

 Here's the best part.  Mine cost $35.00!!!
Yeah, that's right.  Lumber + stain = $35.00

Thank you so much Chris. I love that our home is filling up with pieces made by your hands.You really did a fantastic job.


  1. This post is my favorite one so far!
    Thanks for "bragging on me" :)

  2. It's truly gorgeous. All of the pieces that Chris has made for your home are things you can be so proud of.

    And I love your kitchen paint color -- it's the same as mine! ;)

    I can't wait to see more of the revamped kitchen.

  3. oh sweet! it looks great MaryBeth, good job Chris!

  4. Wow, Chris is one talented man! I remember the West Elm branch shelf that he made for you! Well done, Chris!

  5. Great job, Chris. What a talented son you are! And what good taste you have MaryBeth - clean straight lines...beautiful. Yes you are pretty wonderful!
    Love, Mom
